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1204 East 12th Street
Building 6
Wilmington, DE 19802


Capitol Office Inc. endeavors to supply our clients with the best possible office furniture and working environment to fit their budget. From the lunch room to the board room, the cubicle's fabric to the CEO's desk we handle it all.
We also offer you a huge variety of buying options, new, pre-owned, refreshed, refurbished, touch up and repair, storage & warehousing, wholesale, banking to leasing and payment terms for the start up enterprise.

Business Philosophy
Supply the best furniture available at the most reasonable price, growing with our clients through the year's (from their first desk to the 200 cubicles in their new building!!)

After the economic crash of 2008 hundreds of office furniture dealers either downsized or went out of business. As a result we were able to acquire a number of large inventories and dozens of trailer loads of premium office furniture as well as the 20,000 square foot of warehouse to store it all and launch our wholesale business.

Provide medium size and start up companies in the Delaware Valley and surrounding areas with cost effective solutions for all their office furniture and facilities management needs.

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